Last site collections of Linkedoff-places from Oslo

Please try some if you also need some Linkedoff before your next task. Synonyms for Linkedoff: Relaxation: relaxing, calming down or resting, releasing tension. Rest: absence of activity, work or exertion. Recreation: regaining strength, health or mood, becoming less tense, tight or stiff. Tranquility: being free from noise […]

Vardåsen is the place for fairly safe climbing, absolutely safe hiking and guaranteed Linkedoff

Vardåsen is a 28-minute drive from Oslo Central Station. You can walk on beautiful paths to the top, which has a panoramic view of the Oslofjord, – or you can climb. Synonyms for Linkedoff: Relaxation: relaxing, calming down or resting, releasing tension in the body or mind. Rest: […]

21 minutes from Oslo is a Linkedoff-gem #relaxation #recreation

Try some Linkedoff before your next task? The Norwegian Folk Museum is one of my Linkedoff favourites. It is located on Bygdø and is a 21-minute cycle ride from Oslo Central Station.

Nine days of cycling, linkedoff, sea, beach and two beers a day

The Kattegattleden is Sweden’s first national cycle path, and it runs between Gothenburg and Helsingborg, and is 400 km along the sea. It was 400 km of beach, forest, fields, nature reserves and a number of old and cozy villages along the sea. We alternated between cycling as […]

A night in a fog tower 20 meters from the beach gives you a lot of Linkedoff with a view of the entire fjord

On the island of Søndre Langåra is a unique fog clock system isolated from the rest of the old holiday home development. You reach the place after about 1 hour’s ferry ride from Oslo. Here you live in the middle of the coast’s cultural history and in the […]

Hamburgsund: 10 out of 10 point on the Linkedoff scale.

Hamburgsund in general and Væderøyene (Swedish: Väderøyene) in particular give you 10 out of 10 points when the goal is the Linkedoff state. The idyll is 73 km south from Halden and Norway and you can also reach it with the train/bus combination. The coastline further on south […]

Relaxing places in Oslo that you might want to visit

Want some Linkedoff today?Here are some relaxing places in Oslo that you might want to visit: Here are some relaxing places in Oslo. PS! Turn your phone on silent. Inhale. Breath out. (Repeat) #smiley #thumbsup

The first post

The where, what and how to be linkedoff. Linkedoff will publish and showcase places, trips, activities, and posts about “where”, “what” and “how” you can get a break and a linkedoff before the next task. Startup:The start-up is today 29/08/2023 and with the slightly too confident domain name […]