A night in a fog tower 20 meters from the beach gives you a lot of Linkedoff with a view of the entire fjord

On the island of Søndre Langåra is a unique fog clock system isolated from the rest of the old holiday home development. You reach the place after about 1 hour’s ferry ride from Oslo. Here you live in the middle of the coast’s cultural history and in the […]

Relaxing places in Oslo that you might want to visit

Want some Linkedoff today?Here are some relaxing places in Oslo that you might want to visit: Here are some relaxing places in Oslo. PS! Turn your phone on silent. Inhale. Breath out. (Repeat) #smiley #thumbsup

The first post

The where, what and how to be linkedoff. Linkedoff will publish and showcase places, trips, activities, and posts about “where”, “what” and “how” you can get a break and a linkedoff before the next task. Startup:The start-up is today 29/08/2023 and with the slightly too confident domain name […]