21 minutes from Oslo is a Linkedoff-gem #relaxation #recreation

Try some Linkedoff before your next task? The Norwegian Folk Museum is one of my Linkedoff favourites. It is located on Bygdø and is a 21-minute cycle ride from Oslo Central Station.

Nine days of cycling, linkedoff, sea, beach and two beers a day

The Kattegattleden is Sweden’s first national cycle path, and it runs between Gothenburg and Helsingborg, and is 400 km along the sea. It was 400 km of beach, forest, fields, nature reserves and a number of old and cozy villages along the sea. We alternated between cycling as […]

Hamburgsund: 10 out of 10 point on the Linkedoff scale.

Hamburgsund in general and Væderøyene (Swedish: Väderøyene) in particular give you 10 out of 10 points when the goal is the Linkedoff state. The idyll is 73 km south from Halden and Norway and you can also reach it with the train/bus combination. The coastline further on south […]